Brosix Knowledge Base

How can I delete my user account?

Your user account is part of a Team Network. Please contact your Team Administrator and ask to remove your account.

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How to delete a user from your contacts list?

To remove a contact from your contact list, click on the name and then select “Delete a contact” from Contacts menu. You will be asked for confirmation before the user is removed from your contact list.

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Who can see my messages?

We can’t make sure the messages you send are “invisible” nor that nobody can capture them. What we can do is to make sure that they are “unreadable”. All the communication is encrypted with industry standard high-security AES-256 bit encryption. This means, that even someone captures your messages, he/she is unable to read the content. […]

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Step-by-Step Guide After Creating a Team Network

I have registered a new team network, what should I do now? Once you complete the registration process and activate your team network, you are ready to begin using Brosix. Here are some basic guidelines to help you get started and make the most of your network. You can also refer to the more detailed […]

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Chat History Archive of deleted user

If I delete users today, will their communication file still be a part of the “chat history archive” that is created by you at the end of the month? I don’t want to delete users and not have their information that was generated during the month. If you delete a user, the corresponding Chat History […]

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