Brosix Knowledge Base

What is “Co-Browse”?

Co-Browse (collaborative web browser) is a feature that allows you to “share a web browser” with another user. You navigate the browser to a web page and the peer user’s co-browser will navigate to the same page. For more details check here

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Can I receive a message, file or a voice call if the sender is not in my contacts list?

No, you cannot. You can be contacted only by people that are in your contacts list. If someone is not in your contacts list and wants to communicate with you, you will be asked for a permission. If you grant a permission, this user will be added to your contacts list and you will be […]

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Can I send a message if the recipient is offline?

Yes, you can. Just send the message from the Text Chat window. The message will be delivered to the recipient as soon as he/she gets online. The offline messages are kept for delivery up till 10 days. After that they will be considered expired and deleted from the messages queue. Full list of Brosix Instant […]

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No modules

When I start Brosix, no plugin icons are displayed on the right and when I double click on a user in my contacts list, Brosix crashes Most probably the network administrator has disabled all the modules from the Web Control Panel – Settings – Module permissions. Please, contact your IM network administrator and ask […]

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How to Change Audio Device?

Is it possible to instruct Brosix which audio output device to use during a voice call? My default audio device plays through my stereo system but I want Brosix to come through my bluetooth headset. You can choose an audio device from menu Brosix -> Settings -> Personal. Click the “Configure Devices” button. A wizard […]

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