Brosix Knowledge Base
How to install Brosix with a limited account?
I have limited account and cannot install Brosix. How can I use it? You can get the portable version of Brosix from Extract Brosix folder from the archive file to a destination of your choice. You should have write permissions for the folder you extract Brosix to. Then open the folder and run Brosix.exe.
How to reset a forgotten password?
I’ve forgotten my password, how can I retrieve it? There is a link “Forgotten password” on the Brosix Sign In screen. Click on this link and your web browser will open a web page form. Enter your username on the form. We will send you an email with instructions how to set a new password. […]
How to change your account details?
Select “Edit your profile” from Brosix menu. You can change all your account details except the username – it is your unique identifier in the network. If you forget your Brosix password, the only way to recover your password is through your e-mail address. We will send you an e-mail with instructions how to set […]
What password should I choose?
There are few simple rules you can follow in order to select a good password: Use secure passwords for your accounts. A secure password is the one that can not be easily guessed. For example “123456” is not a secure password, but “1qA34fRm5” can be considered secure. Don’t tell your password to anyone. Remember, your […]
Does Brosix provide encryption for chat?
How can I be sure that nobody can “capture” the messages I send? All the communication is encrypted with industry standard high-security AES-256 bits encryption. This means, that even someone captures your messages, he/she is unable to read the content. This security is applied to all communication – text chat, voice, file transfers etc.