Brosix Knowledge Base

Chat History Archive of deleted user

If I delete users today, will their communication file still be a part of the “chat history archive” that is created by you at the end of the month? I don’t want to delete users and not have their information that was generated during the month. If you delete a user, the corresponding Chat History […]

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How to add a new administrator with access permissions to your team network?

For customers with the Ultimate Brosix Plan there is an option to have more than one administrator per network, also known as “Multiple Administrators.” In order to activate this option please follow these steps: Log into the Control Panel at From the Control Panel Dashboard choose Settings->Administrators Click on the “Create new administrator” button […]

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How to restrict access to user data?

We have administrators that monitor conversations but I can not have them see conversations between senior management. How can this be accomplished? Every administrator account has a “Security Level”. An administrator can see only user accounts that has “Security Level” below or equal to the administrator’s. An administrator account may have these “Security levels”: Normal […]

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User licenses explained

What are user licenses? Here are some facts/rules about user licenses: Brosix pricing is based on the number of user licenses. The number of user accounts in your IM network should be less or equal to the number of user licenses. Each user account is supported by one user license. Each user account can be […]

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How to change the number of User Licenses?

You can change the number of user licenses at any time: Go to the Web Control Panel – Licenses – Update tab. Click on “Current plan” button. Select the number of licenses you want, click the “Next” button and follow the instruction. This will upgrade your current order with the new number of user licenses […]

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