Brosix emoticons

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Use Brosix emoticons to color your instant message conversations and let your colleagues and friends know how youโ€™re feeling.

You can select the emoticon you want to use from the palette in the chat window – just click on the smiley in the chat window. Or use the keyboard shortcut โ€“ a set of characters or a specific word in brackets.



Emoticon Meaning Shortcut
Smile emoticon Smile ๐Ÿ™‚ , ๐Ÿ™‚ or (smile)
teeth emoticon Teeth smile ๐Ÿ˜€ , ๐Ÿ˜€ or (teeth)
Surprised emoticon Surprised ๐Ÿ˜ฎ , :o, (surprised)
Tongue smile emoticon Tongue smile :-p , :p or (tongue)
Wink smile emoticon Wink smile ๐Ÿ˜‰ , ๐Ÿ˜‰ or (wink)
Sad emoticon Sad ๐Ÿ™ , ๐Ÿ™ or (sad)
Confused emoticon Confused ;-s , ;s or (confused)
Disappointed emoticon Disappointed ;-| , ;| or (disappointed)
Crying emoticon Crying ;'( , ;-( or (crying)
Cool emoticon Cool (h) , (H) or (cool)
Silent emoticon Silent :-Z , :Z or (silent)
Blush emoticon Blushing (blushing) or :$
Nerd emoticon Nerd 8| , 8-| or (nerd)
Sarcastic emoticon Sarcastic ^o) , ^O) or (sarcastic)
Angry emoticon Angry :-@ , :@ or (angry)
Fury emoticon Fury 8o| , 8O| or (fury)
Sick emoticon Sick +o , +O or (sick)
Envy emoticon Envy (envy)
I don't know emoticon I don’t know :^) or (dontknow)
Thinking emoticon Thinking *-) or (thinking)
Eye rolling emoticon Eye rolling ๐Ÿ˜Ž or 8) or (eyerolling)
Sleepy emoticon Sleepy |-) , |) or (sleepy)
Kiss emoticon Kiss :-* , :* or (kiss)
bye emoticon Bye (bye)
rofl emoticon Rofl (rofl)
like emoticon Like (like) or (thankyou)
don`t like emoticon Don`t Like (dontlike)
listen emoticon Listen (listen)
don`t listen emoticon Don`t Listen (dontlisten)
facepalm emoticon Facepalm (facepalm)
nod emoticon Nod (nod) or (nodding)
party emoticon Party (party)
handshake emoticon Handshake (handshake) or (deal)
poke emoticon Poke (poke)
wave emoticon Wave (wave) or (hi)
wondering emoticon Wondering :^) or (wondering)
tired emoticon Tired (tired)
waiting emoticon Waiting (waiting)
wondering emoticon Wondering (wondering)
yawn emoticon Yawn (yawn)
ziplips emoticon Ziplips :z , :# , :-z or (ziplips)
sceptical emoticon Sceptical :-/, :-\ , (sceptical) or (skeptical)
shake emoticon Shake (shake) or (shaking)


moon emoticon Moon (s) , (S) or (moon)
Heart emoticon Heart (l) , (L) or (heart)
Broken heart emoticon Broken heart (u) , (U) or (brokenheart)
brosix emoticon Brosix (brosix)
brb emoticon BRB (brb)
bug emoticon Bug (bug) or (ladybug)
bomb emoticon Bomb (bomb)
camera emoticon Camera (camera)
car emoticon Car (car)
ship emoticon Ship (ship) or (yacht)
plane emoticon Plane (plane)
church emoticon Church (church) or (cathedral)
phone emoticon Phone (phone)
tablet emoticon Tablet (tablet)
computer emoticon Computer (computer)
laptop emoticon Laptop (laptop)
keyboard emoticon Keyboard (keyboard)
mouse emoticon Mouse (mouse)
games emoticon Games (games) or (game)
emoticon Present (g) , (G) , (gift)
emoticon Note (8) or (note)
emoticon Arrow (arrow)
time emoticon Time (time) , (clock) or (O)
hourglass emoticon Hourglass (hourglass) , (wait) or (hold)
inlove emoticon Inlove (inlove)
money emoticon Money (money)
Exclamation emoticon Exclamation (exclamation)
pill emoticon Pill (pill)
canyoutalk emoticon Can you talk? (canyoutalk)
Idea emoticon Idea (idea)
Yes emoticon Yes (yes)
No emoticon No (no)
Question emoticon Question mark (question)
home emoticon Home (home) or (wfh)
island emoticon Island (island)
let`s meet emoticon Let`s meet (letsmeet)
luck emoticon Luck (luck) or (goodluck)
computer rage emoticon Computer rage (computerrage) or (typingrage)
confidential emoticon Confidential (confidential) or (secret)
feet on table emoticon Feet on table (feetontable)
gottarun emoticon Gotta run (gottarun)
mail emoticon Mail (mail) or (email)
poop emoticon Poop (poop)
stop emoticon Stop (stop) or (stoppalm)

Drinks and Food

emoticon Coffee (c) , (C) or (coffee)
tea emoticon Tea (tea)
cocktail emoticon Cocktail (cocktail) or (drink)
beer emoticon Beer (beer)
whiskeyemoticon Whiskey (whiskey)
rakia emoticon Rakia (rakia)
champagne emoticon Champagne (champagne)
wine emoticon Wine (wine)
cakeemoticon Cake (cake)
pizza emoticon Pizza (pizza)
Burger emoticon Burger (br) , (BR) or (burger)
sausage emoticon sausage (sausage)
sudzuk emoticon Sudzuk (sudzuk)
taco emoticon Taco (taco)
burrito emoticon Burrito (burrito)
tomato emoticon Tomato (tomato)
cheese emoticon Cheese (cheese)
grilledchicken emoticon Grilled chicken (grilledchicken)
grilledham emoticon Grilled ham (grilledham)
steak emoticon Steak (steak)


catemoticon Cat (cat)
dog emoticon Dog (dog)
donkey emoticon Donkey (donkey)
fox emoticon Fox (fox)
pig emoticon Pig (pig)
snail emoticon Snail (snail)

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