How to change an order?

Each order is identified by:

  • Pricing plan
  • Billing period
  • Number of user licenses

If you want to change any of these parameters, the current order will be canceled and a new one with the new parameters will be created. If there is an active Auto-Recharge for the old order, it will be canceled.

If there are still days or weeks until your old order expires, they are calculated in money that are applied to your new order. The money transferred from your old order to the new one extend its expire date and you don’t have to pay until the new expire date.



  • If you add user licenses to your order, we will not charge you for the new licenses. Instead the expire date will be moved closer.
  • If you remove user licenses from your order, we will not refund. Instead the expire date will be moved further.


A week before the expire date of the new order you will receive an email for the upcoming charge. This email contains instructions about the renewal of the order.

The process of changing an order is automatic. You just follow the instructions and choose what you want to be changed – pricing plan, billing period or number of user licenses.

To change your order, please go to Web Control Panel – Licenses – Update tab and follow the instructions.

Web Control Panel is available at